Here you will find a Warcraft 3 Map Hacks. Hacking in Warcraft 3 is easy, try now to improve your game
1) GGSH Garena Hack
Maphack[1.22a,and 1.22]
Maphack[1.24b and 1.24]
Dota Helper
Removed 5 secs
Remove Gold member
Visual Custom Kick
Show Real pings…
Download Link
2) TFTLocal 1.24b
To use the program, run inject3.exe
The program accepts input in the form of slash commands in a channel or in the game itself.
The game lobby can also be used to process commands, and the /refresh command is exclusive to the lobby.
The commands and results are as follows:
/fog on
/fog off
Disables trigger-based fog
/hchat x y Text
Sends a message as pid x to pid y (0 for all) using the provided text (spoofs chat), host only
/load x
Loads file by name, reading one command per line of the file (Automatically tries .txt and .ini extensions)
/showcmds on
/showcmds off
Changes whether or not standard “Command Recognized” messages are to be shown
/pug x
Use while hosting to rename game to x & make it a public game
/prg x
Use while hosting to rename game to x & make it a private game
/ct on
Click-through enabled; right clicking a unit will not follow, but instead move to the click location
/ct off
Disables click-through
/tt on
Unit mouseover tooltips enabled
/tt off
Unit mouseover tooltips disabled
/hponly on
Mousing over a unit only shows their healthbar, no hero tooltip
/hponly off
Heroes will show their tooltip
Disconnect from
/cd x
Sets game-start countdown time to x (default 6.0)
/bounds reset
Resets camera bounds to world bounds
/bounds lock
Prevents camera bounds from changing
/bounds unlock
Allows camera bounds changes
/dsel on
Disable trigger deselection
/dsel off
Enable trigger deselection
/lb show
Show leaderboard
/lb hide
Hide leaderboard
/lb show #
Show leaderboard by number (1+)
/lb hide #
Hide leaderboard by number (1+)
/lb lock
Prevents trigger-based hide/show of leaderboard
/lb unlock
Allows trigger-based hide/show of leaderboard
/ds on
/ds off
When on, kicks players who attempt to save the game (host only)
/dp on
/dp off
When on, kicks players who attempt to pause the game (host only)
Display names and IPs of players connected to you (host only)
/kick #
Kicks a player by their number; player numbers can be viewed using /names (host only)
/kick name
Kicks a player by a substring in their name; (e.g., /kick dar would kick Darimus) (host only)
/dr x
Set delay to x in milliseconds (host only)
Display current delay in milliseconds (host only)
Enters fullscreen mode
Enters windowed mode
Enable/disable fast map-loading [note: changes mapnames to filenames, and changes sorting to be alphabetical]
/fmaps on
/fmaps off
This feature is, by default, enabled.
Send command to
/bnet /f l
/bnet /f m hi
/refresh x
When used in the game lobby (while hosting), it will silently auto-refresh every x seconds. This is different from most auto-refreshers in that you don’t see “Autorefresher has joined the game.” messages, but it still refreshes.
Type /refresh 0 or /refresh to turn off.
Press hotkey [Page Up] to do a single manual refresh.
Limited to 2.5s or greater
[Updated: now supports any camera distance... be wary of using 50k+ distances, you may suffer FPS lag]
Control your camera with these features, in case the map you joined allows no camera control:
/cam dist x
/cam aoa x
Angle of Attack
/cam farz x
Far Z
/cam rot x
/cam roll x
/cam lock
This locks your camera view somewhat so that games can’t change it. It is not all-inclusive, some things will change your camera view at the moment. I may make this more inclusive at a later date.
/cam unlock
Allows your camera to be manipulated.
Allows you to change your name as it appears when you host or join a game online.
/name x
Changes name to “x”.
Changes name to the name you had on logon.
/camlock enable
/camlock disable
Allows maps to lock the camera to a unit. If the camera is already locked and you disable it, you can press control-c in-game to unlock the camera (this key combo is standard).
The 1.22 patch can show health bars, but you don’t have the option of ally or enemy, just all.
/hp show
/hp show ally
/hp show enemy
/hp hide ally
/hp hide enemy
/hp hide
Clears all “Game” text messages on your screen. Useful for some maps.
/nokick on
/nokick off
Prevents yourself from being kicked from games via standard kicking means. This will not prevent custom kick programs that kick using lower-level methods.
NOTE: I believe that if you select a unit or issue an order for a currently selected unit, you will desync and be disconnected anyway. You may still chat after being “kicked”, however…
NOTE: If you do not press F8 on the “Defeat!” dialog that appears, pressing the Quit button results in everyone getting kicked…
/nofade on
Disables fade filters. Do not use this if there is currently an active fade filter.
/nofade off
Enables fade filters
Press this to escape from cinematics and dialogs, and other such things.
(This works on the Players Lagging window as well, but you are limited to queuing up actions or moving the camera until the player stops lagging)
[Page Up]
Use in the game lobby while hosting to refresh the game (updates the game in players lists, making it more likely people will join your map). Limited to once every 2.5 seconds.
[`] (Grave key)
Toggles the /ct function
Download Link 1
Downlaod Link 2
3) TyranO’s D3Scene Maphack for 1.24b
Guide to follow by the letter if you don’t want to get banned:
1. Join a custom game.
2. Run DropBnet2.exe
3. Type “/f l” or another bnet chat command to make sure you are disconnected from bnet.
4. Inject the hack.
5. Play the game.
6. Once game is over you will get disconnected from, you should then close warcraft 3 and close your hack, then start warcraft III again and repeat the steps.
Current Bugs:
- Enemy icons is bugged. It will show all hero icons.
- Remove zoom angles is bugged too.
maphack for 1.24b
Don’t forget to run as administrator on Vista!
Make sure config.ini is in the same folder as D3Scene.exe or it will not work.
Note0: Disabling “bypass AH in Dota” will allow you to fix the non-transparent spider webs bug. Who uses the -ah feature anyway? Just disable it and webs will be fixed.
Note1: In order for healthbar options to work, disable “Always show healthbars” in Warcraft III options.
Note2: In order for red invisible units to work, don’t enable “Show invisible (cancels red units)”
Note3: You need to be on LAN or on for cd-key grabbing to work. Else the program will just hang until you connect to either.
Note4: Smoothcamera and customcamera must have different bool values. For example, customcamera=true, smoothcamera=false or customcamera=false, smoothcamera=true.
The spider webs are not transparent when you have Bypass -AH enabled. Disable it and the spider webs will become transparent again.
- Save features in config.ini (customizable all features)
- Grab your Cd-Keys
- Reveal units
- See Undead blight
- Build unexplored
- Reveal units on minimap
- Remove fog
- Remove fog on minimap
- Clickable units
- See ressources
- See invisible
- Bypass -ah feature in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show illusions (Sd333221)
- Show enemy pings (Sd333221)
- Clickable invisible units (Sd333221)
- See cooldowns (Sd333221)
- See skills (Sd333221)
- Show invisible units as red (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Working Hotkeys (F4,F5 for on/off and NUM+, NUM- for zoom out/in)
- Namespoofer with colors
- Camera Distance Hack (customizable distance)
- Custom trade amounts
- Minimize to tray button
- Show all HP bars (For the HP bars features, you have to have the option always show healthbars in warcraft III DISABLED)
- Show only enemy HP bars (Darimus)
- Show only ally HP bars (Darimus)
- Top view feature (removes the angle so you look over everything at 180 degrees)
- Remove zoom angles (removes the deviation when zooming)
- 90 degree spin (spins camera by 90 degrees)
- Smooth Camera (Max Camera distance that doesn’t lock the zoom)
Downlaod Link
1) GGSH Garena Hack
Maphack[1.22a,and 1.22]
Maphack[1.24b and 1.24]
Dota Helper
Removed 5 secs
Remove Gold member
Visual Custom Kick
Show Real pings…
Download Link
2) TFTLocal 1.24b
To use the program, run inject3.exe
The program accepts input in the form of slash commands in a channel or in the game itself.
The game lobby can also be used to process commands, and the /refresh command is exclusive to the lobby.
The commands and results are as follows:
/fog on
/fog off
Disables trigger-based fog
/hchat x y Text
Sends a message as pid x to pid y (0 for all) using the provided text (spoofs chat), host only
/load x
Loads file by name, reading one command per line of the file (Automatically tries .txt and .ini extensions)
/showcmds on
/showcmds off
Changes whether or not standard “Command Recognized” messages are to be shown
/pug x
Use while hosting to rename game to x & make it a public game
/prg x
Use while hosting to rename game to x & make it a private game
/ct on
Click-through enabled; right clicking a unit will not follow, but instead move to the click location
/ct off
Disables click-through
/tt on
Unit mouseover tooltips enabled
/tt off
Unit mouseover tooltips disabled
/hponly on
Mousing over a unit only shows their healthbar, no hero tooltip
/hponly off
Heroes will show their tooltip
Disconnect from
/cd x
Sets game-start countdown time to x (default 6.0)
/bounds reset
Resets camera bounds to world bounds
/bounds lock
Prevents camera bounds from changing
/bounds unlock
Allows camera bounds changes
/dsel on
Disable trigger deselection
/dsel off
Enable trigger deselection
/lb show
Show leaderboard
/lb hide
Hide leaderboard
/lb show #
Show leaderboard by number (1+)
/lb hide #
Hide leaderboard by number (1+)
/lb lock
Prevents trigger-based hide/show of leaderboard
/lb unlock
Allows trigger-based hide/show of leaderboard
/ds on
/ds off
When on, kicks players who attempt to save the game (host only)
/dp on
/dp off
When on, kicks players who attempt to pause the game (host only)
Display names and IPs of players connected to you (host only)
/kick #
Kicks a player by their number; player numbers can be viewed using /names (host only)
/kick name
Kicks a player by a substring in their name; (e.g., /kick dar would kick Darimus) (host only)
/dr x
Set delay to x in milliseconds (host only)
Display current delay in milliseconds (host only)
Enters fullscreen mode
Enters windowed mode
Enable/disable fast map-loading [note: changes mapnames to filenames, and changes sorting to be alphabetical]
/fmaps on
/fmaps off
This feature is, by default, enabled.
Send command to
/bnet /f l
/bnet /f m hi
/refresh x
When used in the game lobby (while hosting), it will silently auto-refresh every x seconds. This is different from most auto-refreshers in that you don’t see “Autorefresher has joined the game.” messages, but it still refreshes.
Type /refresh 0 or /refresh to turn off.
Press hotkey [Page Up] to do a single manual refresh.
Limited to 2.5s or greater
[Updated: now supports any camera distance... be wary of using 50k+ distances, you may suffer FPS lag]
Control your camera with these features, in case the map you joined allows no camera control:
/cam dist x
/cam aoa x
Angle of Attack
/cam farz x
Far Z
/cam rot x
/cam roll x
/cam lock
This locks your camera view somewhat so that games can’t change it. It is not all-inclusive, some things will change your camera view at the moment. I may make this more inclusive at a later date.
/cam unlock
Allows your camera to be manipulated.
Allows you to change your name as it appears when you host or join a game online.
/name x
Changes name to “x”.
Changes name to the name you had on logon.
/camlock enable
/camlock disable
Allows maps to lock the camera to a unit. If the camera is already locked and you disable it, you can press control-c in-game to unlock the camera (this key combo is standard).
The 1.22 patch can show health bars, but you don’t have the option of ally or enemy, just all.
/hp show
/hp show ally
/hp show enemy
/hp hide ally
/hp hide enemy
/hp hide
Clears all “Game” text messages on your screen. Useful for some maps.
/nokick on
/nokick off
Prevents yourself from being kicked from games via standard kicking means. This will not prevent custom kick programs that kick using lower-level methods.
NOTE: I believe that if you select a unit or issue an order for a currently selected unit, you will desync and be disconnected anyway. You may still chat after being “kicked”, however…
NOTE: If you do not press F8 on the “Defeat!” dialog that appears, pressing the Quit button results in everyone getting kicked…
/nofade on
Disables fade filters. Do not use this if there is currently an active fade filter.
/nofade off
Enables fade filters
Press this to escape from cinematics and dialogs, and other such things.
(This works on the Players Lagging window as well, but you are limited to queuing up actions or moving the camera until the player stops lagging)
[Page Up]
Use in the game lobby while hosting to refresh the game (updates the game in players lists, making it more likely people will join your map). Limited to once every 2.5 seconds.
[`] (Grave key)
Toggles the /ct function
Download Link 1
Downlaod Link 2
3) TyranO’s D3Scene Maphack for 1.24b
Guide to follow by the letter if you don’t want to get banned:
1. Join a custom game.
2. Run DropBnet2.exe
3. Type “/f l” or another bnet chat command to make sure you are disconnected from bnet.
4. Inject the hack.
5. Play the game.
6. Once game is over you will get disconnected from, you should then close warcraft 3 and close your hack, then start warcraft III again and repeat the steps.
Current Bugs:
- Enemy icons is bugged. It will show all hero icons.
- Remove zoom angles is bugged too.
maphack for 1.24b
Don’t forget to run as administrator on Vista!
Make sure config.ini is in the same folder as D3Scene.exe or it will not work.
Note0: Disabling “bypass AH in Dota” will allow you to fix the non-transparent spider webs bug. Who uses the -ah feature anyway? Just disable it and webs will be fixed.
Note1: In order for healthbar options to work, disable “Always show healthbars” in Warcraft III options.
Note2: In order for red invisible units to work, don’t enable “Show invisible (cancels red units)”
Note3: You need to be on LAN or on for cd-key grabbing to work. Else the program will just hang until you connect to either.
Note4: Smoothcamera and customcamera must have different bool values. For example, customcamera=true, smoothcamera=false or customcamera=false, smoothcamera=true.
The spider webs are not transparent when you have Bypass -AH enabled. Disable it and the spider webs will become transparent again.
- Save features in config.ini (customizable all features)
- Grab your Cd-Keys
- Reveal units
- See Undead blight
- Build unexplored
- Reveal units on minimap
- Remove fog
- Remove fog on minimap
- Clickable units
- See ressources
- See invisible
- Bypass -ah feature in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show illusions (Sd333221)
- Show enemy pings (Sd333221)
- Clickable invisible units (Sd333221)
- See cooldowns (Sd333221)
- See skills (Sd333221)
- Show invisible units as red (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Working Hotkeys (F4,F5 for on/off and NUM+, NUM- for zoom out/in)
- Namespoofer with colors
- Camera Distance Hack (customizable distance)
- Custom trade amounts
- Minimize to tray button
- Show all HP bars (For the HP bars features, you have to have the option always show healthbars in warcraft III DISABLED)
- Show only enemy HP bars (Darimus)
- Show only ally HP bars (Darimus)
- Top view feature (removes the angle so you look over everything at 180 degrees)
- Remove zoom angles (removes the deviation when zooming)
- 90 degree spin (spins camera by 90 degrees)
- Smooth Camera (Max Camera distance that doesn’t lock the zoom)
Downlaod Link
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here are suitable agencies in Birmingham who can offer high-class service providers for catering to your physical and mental needs. The agencies provide you the option of selecting the woman you want to choose for the night. If you require help the agencies themselves, offer you suitable aid by selecting the right person for you according to your requirement. Their only goal is to impart assistance to you that you can cherish for a lifetime. The companies interview the ladies and select them for a job through thorough examination.
Best human resource
The companies make sure that the ladies they select are the best for the job. The agencies ensure that their human resource does not comprise of only attractive features and appealing looks but must have an appreciable intellect as well. Moreover, they have their websites where they display their pictures in details so that you can make out their face and appearance and tally if required when they come to you in person. The companies claim that you will be glad once you meet the ladies in person as they turn out to be more stimulating than the photos. They offer you a variety of services and options.
Call the helpline
You can call in their helpline numbers and make a booking for an outcall or an in call service. Th
at means you can call the ladies to your place or can meet them at her place respectively. An important merit of these agencies providing Birmingham escorts is that they value time and offer services accordingly. They have their firms all over the city so that you do not face any issue in availing their services irrespective of your location in the city. Whether you are staying at your home or residing in a hotel does not matter as the ladies are convenient with any place you require them to come.
Offer trained professionals
The ladies that these firms recruit are well trained and groomed. They are very serious about their professional and offer excellent services to live up to their reputation. If you are worrying regarding any issues at your workplace or the burden of work pressure overshadows you, it is time to take a break. The Escorts in Birmingham are the companions on such cases that can ease your mind and body. Their premium body services will soothe your sense and calm your mind. The agencies also mention the price for their excellent assistance on their websites like You check out the prices from their website that is quite affordable.
Acquainted with roads
Since the firms are ruining their business in Birmingham for a long time, therefore, the girls have no issues in coming to your place. You can stay in any hotel of the town, if you book their services, you can expect a knock on the door of your room at the right time. Hence, calling these ladies at your hotel will not be inconvenient for them. If you have your residence at Birmingham, on stating the address the girls find their way to your home as well. They are well versed with the roads and streets of Birmingham.
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